Tortoise Care Information


Each breed of tortoise has different care requirements. Please consider carefully which breed you would like, and have the time and space to care for, before purchasing. You can download a printable PDF sheet when you click on the breed you’re interested in below (©HappyTortoises 2017. All rights reserved). Leopard and Indian Star Tortoises are more sensitive to incorrect temperatures and therefore require additional heat to keep temperatures in the optimal ranges. Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoises are hardier and less sensitive to cooler temperatures we experience here in the UK and make an ideal “garden tortoise”. Leopards and Indian Stars do NOT hibernate, whereas Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoises DO hibernate.

Leopard Tortoise - Care Sheet

Indian Star Tortoise - Care Sheet

Mediterranean Spur-thighed Tortoise - Care Sheet



If you have any questions, check out our FAQ pages as we’ve put together a few of the more commonly asked questions there, with links to videos and other useful information.



Please feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel, Instagram, facebook and other social media platforms for more information and answers to frequently asked questions.